Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Painting Class!

Well, I started a painting class last week! Real oil painting taught by Charles Walls! Never done an oil painting before. Last week we mostly talked about how mediums, paint and turpenoid worked. This week we actually painted! I have to say I am a little embarrassed by my first piece. It's incomplete right now, so I'll add an updated one next week, but the perspective is majorly off! I feel like a novice showing this, but it's my first oil painting, so I guess I can't complain too much. It was fun though.

It's so nice being able to use actual paints after a long day in front of the computer. It kind of frees you a little. I'm exhausted from a full day of painting, but in a good way. I'm also learning about color theory and how pigments mix. Corel has given me kind of an edge in that area, but the eye dropper tool is gone! I have to mix paints over and over, so I'm learning to not worry about making it perfect. Even the simple things, like walking away from your work every once in a while to see the big picture is alot like zooming out on the computer. When you stand away, the waves of color blend more before they reach your eyes. What once was red and yellow blends to orange when standing at a distance.

It's great having a teacher again. I missed it more than I thought. I'm full of questions the entire class and hope i'm not annoying Charles too much, but I want to learn as much as I can in the next four weeks before he's gone. Anyway, i'm done blabbing. Thank you Marc Holmes for inspiring me to get back to traditional painting. I have a reason to create when I get home again!

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