Monday, January 26, 2009

Life Studies

Went to the Bodies Exhibit here in the ATL with one of my coworkers. It was pretty cool and I got about three hours of drawing in. I also got some muscle studies in beforehand. Here are some of my better muscle sketches. I also did some studies from some of my art books. I'm not extremely happy with any of them. I need to focus more on letting shading become part of my drawing instead of an afterthought. I also need to work on my line quality. Hair should be more refined too, but I need to learn the best way to do that with pen and still have it darker than most of the shading. So much to do and so little time.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to draw when doing studies. My drawings never have as much of the flair as a sketch from my imagination, but imagination sketches are never accurate enough. I guess studies should remain studies though, even if the flair isn't really there. I need to do drawings that slowly add what I have learned from my studies, one thing at a time so it becomes embedded in my memory. I have noticed that my studies are alot more accurate scale-wise. Need to work on my faces. I'll try working some of what i've learned into my imagination sketches this week.

All sketches were done with ballpoint pen.

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